Tuesday, February 5, 2008

TOOLS(21 to 30)

21.Describe the 3 Object Explorer (OE) tabs?
--Types: Higher-level object types displayed,
--Details:expanded top-level object type displays object definitions ,
--Flat: displays all definitions of that type

22.What are the different types of windows available in tools?
--Controls window
--Properties window
--Web templates window
--Bookmarks window
--Applets window.

23.What are the different types of editors available in tools?
--Browser Script editor
--Server script editor
--Web applet editor

24.What is a project?
--Are named sets of object definitions in a repository.
--Only one version of a project exists in a repository at a time.
--Are mechanisms to organize object definitions so that a single developer can exclusively work on them as a group.

25.What is Checking Out a Project?
Copies all object definitions in project on server to local database

26.What is Checking Out a Project?
Copies object definitions from local repository to server repository. Replaces versions of checked out object definitions with new versions and unlocks projects

27.What is the difference between GET and CHECK OUT?
Get: Just gets a read only copy of a project.
Check out: takes a read/write copy from the server and locks it both on the server and locally so that only you can work on it.

28.How do you cancel Check out?
Simply check out the project again, this will take the current copy from the server and over-write your version on the local machine. Then you can check it back in.

29.What is the difference between Check In/Check Out and locking?
Check In/Check Out allows changes to returned to the server, locking only allows you to make changes, this cannot be returned to the server.

30.How do you export a project?
Repository -> Add to Archive

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