14. What determines allowable visibility for a business component?
The following fields in the business component view modes applet in Siebel tools determine allowable visibility for a business component.
Owner type – This is the party type. The allowable owner types are,
Person – Access control can be based on the user’s ‘person’ record.
Position – Access control can be based on the position of the user.
Organization – Access control can be based on the organization of the user, determined by which organization, the underlying current position belongs to.
Group – Access control can be based on membership in access groups, that have access to particular catalogs, and categories.
Catalog category – This is not a party type. Access can be restricted to all of the data, in all of the categories across catalogs, to which the user has access. The user sees a flat list of data.
Private field – This flag determines whether the record is private or public. If it is not private, then the record is shown, independent of its view mode. If it is set as private, then the access control is applied as specified by the business components visibility field or visibility MV field. This is applicable to all view modes.
Visibility field – A value in one of either visibility field or visibility MV field is required. The value in this field is compared with the corresponding value for the user, as specified in the owner type, to determine whether the user is associated with a record. If they are associated the user gets the record.
A value in this field indicates, that there is only one property associated with the business component, when using this view mode.
Visibility MV field – This field has the same purpose as visibility field, except a value in this field indicates that there can be more than one party associated with this business component, when using this view mode.
Visibility MV link – An entry in this field is required if there is a value in the visibility MV field.
This field specifies which of the business components multi value links should be used, to determine the value in the MV field for this record. Links establish a parent/child relationship between business components, often by specifying an intersection table (in the case of M:M relationship). The MV link destination field property indicates which link ultimately defines this relationship.
Name – The name typically suggests the view mode. However, view mode records for a business component must have unique names.
Personal – owner type person
Sales rep – owner type position
Organization – owner type organization
Group – owner type group
Catalog – owner type catalog
15. Which properties drive the access control for a view?
The following fields in the views list applet help determine data visibility.
Title – The title should suggest the level of access control of the views data.
Visibility applet – Typically this is the master in the master detail applet. This applet defines the business component on which the view is based, and how the fields of the business component are displayed.
A view has an entry in this field if the view is not derived from another view.
Multiple views can have the same visibility applet.
Visibility applet type – This field determines the access control mechanism that is applied to that view. It specifies which of the business component’s view modes are applied. The following choices are available in the picklist.
All – The user can access all records, except those with a missing or invalid owner.
Personal – Applies ‘Personal’ access control. User can access records with which the users ‘Person’ record is associated, as determined by the business components’ visibility field. To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with Owner type ‘Person’.
Sales rep – This view applies ‘Single position’ or ‘sales team’ access control. The user can access records owned by the user’s position or whose sales team contains the user’s position, as determined by the business components visibility field or visibility MV field. To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with owner type ‘Position’.
Manager – This view applies Manager access control. The user can access records associated with the user’s own position, and, positions that report directly to the user’s position, and, positions subordinate to those direct reports.
--If the business component on which the view is based uses ‘Single position’ access control, the user sees data associated with the user’s active position, or, with subordinate positions.
--If the business component on which the view is based uses ‘Sale team’ access control then, the user sees data for which the user’s active position is the primary position on the team, or a subordinate position is the primary member on the team.
To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with owner type ‘Position’.
Organization – Applies ‘Single’ or ‘Multiple’ organization access control, as determined by the visibility field or visibility MV field in the business component. To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with owner type ‘Organization’.
Sub_organization – Applies sub-organization access control.
--For single organization – the user sees data associated directly with the users active organization, or with a descendant organization.
--For multiple organization – the user sees data for which the user’s active organization or descendant organization is the primary organization.
To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with owner type ‘Organization’
Group – The view applies ‘Group’ access control, if the user is associated with an ‘Access group’. The user can access categories of master data, that are associated with any of the access groups with which the user is associated.
Catalog – This view applies Catalog access control, which is one mechanism of the access group access control. If the user is associated with an access group, the user sees a flat list of all the data in all of the categories across catalogs. To use this visibility applet type, the business component must have a view mode with an owner type of ‘Catalog’ category.